Notes on Django and MySql on Amazon's EC2
Install Elasticfox
Install the Elasticfox Firefox Extension for Amazon EC2:
Set up Amazon EC2 accounts and Elasticfox
Follow Arope's instructions for setting up Amazon EC2 accounts and Elasticfox. I used the alestic/ubuntu-8.04-hardy-base-20080628.manifest.xml machine image.
view standard apache page
In Elasticfox, right-click on your running instance and select "Copy Public DNS Name to clipboard". Then, paste that address in your browser. You should see Apache's "It works!" page.
ssh into instance
In Elasticfox, right-click on your running instance and select "SSH to Public Domain Name"
install stuff
Ubuntu Hardy has the following versions:
- Apache 2.2.8
- Mod_python 3.3.1
- MySql 5.0.51
- Django 0.96.1
On your remote instance, do the following.
# apt-get update # apt-get install python-django # apt-get install mysql-server # apt-get install python-mysqldb # apt-get install libapache2-mod-python
Update 2008-09-09: The Django mod_python documentation recommends using Apache's prefork MPM as opposed to the worker MPM. The worker MPM was installed by default on my Alestic Ubuntu image so I uninstalled it and replaced it with the prefork version.
# apt-get autoremove --purge apache2-mpm-worker # apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork
To see your current version of Apache, run the command: apache2 -V
create a django project
# cd /srv # django-admin startproject mysite
configure django mod_python
See also Jeff Baier's article: Installing Django on an Ubuntu Linux Server for more information.
Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
and insert the following:
<location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings PythonPath "['/srv'] + sys.path" PythonDebug On </location>
restart the apache server
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
You should see Django's "It Worked!" page.
Set up a MySql database and user
Note, use the password you entered when installing MySql
# mysql -u root -p Enter password: mysql> CREATE DATABASE django_db; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) mysql> GRANT ALL ON django_db.* TO 'djangouser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql> quit Bye
Edit the Django database settings
:DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' # 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'ado_mssql'. DATABASE_NAME = 'django_db' # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. DATABASE_USER = 'djangouser' # Not used with sqlite3. DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'yourpassword' # Not used with sqlite3. DATABASE_HOST = '' # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. DATABASE_PORT = '' # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
Do a 'syncdb' to create the database tables
# cd mysite # python syncdb Creating table auth_message Creating table auth_group Creating table auth_user Creating table auth_permission Creating table django_content_type Creating table django_session Creating table django_site You just installed Django's auth system, which means you don't have any superusers defined. Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes Username (Leave blank to use 'sofeng'): E-mail address: [email protected] Password: Password (again): Superuser created successfully. Installing index for auth.Message model Installing index for auth.Permission model Loading 'initial_data' fixtures... No fixtures found.
upload a mercurial django project
on the remote instance, install mercurial:
# apt-get install mercurial
on your local machine with the mercurial repo, run:
$ hg clone -e 'ssh -i /home/sofeng/.ec2-elasticfox/id_django-keypair.pem' yourproj ssh://[email protected]//srv/yourprojwhere
is the private key associated with your instance and
is the public domain name associated with your instance.back on the remote instance:
# cd /srv/mozblog # hg update
# python syncdb
set up apache to serve static files
- Create a link to the media files:
# cd /var/www # ln -s /srv/mozblog/media site_media # ln -s /usr/share/python-support/python-django/django/contrib/admin/media/ admin_media
- Edit
:<location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mozblog.settings PythonPath "['/srv'] + sys.path" PythonDebug On </location> <location "/site_media"> SetHandler None </location> <location "/admin_media"> SetHandler None </location>
Restart the apache server
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I have django 1.1 running on ec2, and it is giving me a headache. I keep getting circular http redirects that I cannot track down. However, I use exactly the same django project on my own machine, and no problems there.
Great article! I'll be doing a similar one on my recent work on an Django EC2 load balanced cluster. The only thing I wanted to point out is there are many benefits to use mod_wsgi over mod_python, and is the recommended way to run a Django production server.
The only changes would be to install mod_wsgi instead and make a file.
Details can be found here:
Hi Josh,
Thanks. I agree mod_wsgi is the way to go over mod_python. Here's my notes on making the switch: Good luck building your Django EC2 cluster. Nice blog also.