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Python data object motivated by a desire for a mutable namedtuple with default values

UPDATE 2016-08-12: Read Glyph's post and use the attrs library instead.

Reasons to use this instead of a namedtuple:

  • I want to change fields at a later time (mutability)
  • I want to specify a subset of the fields at instantiation and have the rest be set to a default value

Reasons to use this instead of a dict:

  • I want to explicitly name the fields in the object
  • I want to disallow setting fields that are not explicitly named*
  • I want to specify a subset of the fields at instantiation and have the rest be set to a default value
  • I want to use attribute style access (dot notation to access fields)

Reasons to use this instead of a regular Python class:

  • I don't want to duplicate field names in the __init__() method signature and when setting instance attributes of the same name.
  • I want to disallow setting fields that are not explicitly named*
  • I want to be able to easily convert the object to a dict or a tuple
  • I want to save memory

*Note: This Stack Overflow answer warns against using __slots__ for my goal of disallowing setting fields that are not explicitly named. It says metaclasses or decorators should be abused by us control freaks and static typing weenies instead. To comply with that advice, if you don't care about saving memory, __slots__ could be replaced with a non-special attribute, such as _fields. If that is done, attribute creation would no longer be limited.

See also:

class DataObject(object):
    An object to hold data. Motivated by a desire for a mutable namedtuple with
    default values. To use, subclass, and define __slots__.

    The default default value is None. To set a default value other than None,
    set the `default_value` class variable.

        class Jello(DataObject):
            default_value = 'no data'
            __slots__ = (
                # ...
    __slots__ = ()
    default_value = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Set default values
        for att in self.__slots__:
            setattr(self, att, self.default_value)

        # Set attributes passed in as arguments
        for k, v in zip(self.__slots__, args):
            setattr(self, k, v)
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def asdict(self):
        return dict(
            (att, getattr(self, att)) for att in self.__slots__)

    def astuple(self):
        return tuple(getattr(self, att) for att in self.__slots__)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({})'.format(
            ', '.join('{}={}'.format(
                    att, repr(getattr(self, att))) for att in self.__slots__))


import unittest

class DataObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_instantiation_using_args(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData('my attr 1', 'my attr 2')
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 'my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, 'my attr 2')

    def test_instantiation_using_kwargs(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1', att2='my attr 2')
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 'my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, 'my attr 2')

    def test_default_default_value(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 'my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, None)

    def test_custom_default_value(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            default_value = 'custom default value'
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 'my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, 'custom default value')

    def test_set_value_after_instantiation(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 'my attr 1')
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, None)
        md.att1 = 5
        md.att2 = 9
        self.assertEqual(md.att1, 5)
        self.assertEqual(md.att2, 9)

    def test_attribute_not_defined_in__slots__(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            MyData(att3='my attr 3')

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            md = MyData()
            md.att3 = 45

    def test_asdict(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1', att2='my attr 2')
            md.asdict(), {'att1': 'my attr 1', 'att2': 'my attr 2'})

    def test_tuple(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1', att2='my attr 2')
        self.assertEqual(md.astuple(), ('my attr 1', 'my attr 2'))

    def test___repr__(self):
        class MyData(DataObject):
            __slots__ = ('att1', 'att2')

        md = MyData(att1='my attr 1', att2='my attr 2')
        self.assertEqual(repr(md), "MyData(att1='my attr 1', att2='my attr 2')")

Note: previously, I included the following method in the class. However, this is not necessary. If __slots__ is defined in DataObject and the subclass, any attribute not in __slots__ will automatically raise an AttributeError.

#     def __setattr__(self, name, value):
#         if name not in self.__slots__:
#             raise AttributeError("%s is not a valid attribute in %s" % (
#                     name, self.__class__.__name__))
#         super(DataObject, self).__setattr__(name, value)


#1 angelmedrano commented on :

Thanks Eliot, Once again, google led me to you blog. I used this today :D

#2 Eliot commented on :

Hey Angel! Glad you found this useful. We have been using this in our codebase for a little while, and I like it. Another option for modifying the behavior of a namedtuple is to create a factory function that returns a customized namedtuple. I got this idea from @andrewwatts.