SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

How to add a margin around markers in the Google Static Maps API using Python

This example shows how to use Python to generate a Google Static Map URL for a map that contains markers within some dimensions which are smaller than the map image dimensions. This effectively allows for setting minimum X and Y margins around the markers in a map. This is useful for a "fluid" web design where a maximum map size is requested from Google and is then cut off at the edges for small browser windows.

The bulk of this solution is based on the Javascript code here:

import math

def generate_map_url(
    Return a Google Static Map URL for a map that contains markers within
    some dimensions which are smaller than the map image dimensions. This
    effectively allows for setting minimum X and Y margins around the markers
    in a map. This is useful for a "fluid" web design where a maximum map
    size is requested from Google and is then cut off at the edges for
    small browser windows.
    # Determine the maximum zoom to contain markers at the minimum map size
    lat_list = [
        lat for markers in marker_groups for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']]
    lng_list = [
        lng for markers in marker_groups for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']]
    max_zoom = get_zoom_to_fit(
        min(lat_list), max(lat_list), min(lng_list), max(lng_list),
        min_map_width_px, min_map_height_px,

    # Build the markers query string arguments
    markers_args = ''
    for markers in marker_groups:
        lat_lng = '|'.join([
            '{},{}'.format(lat, lng) for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']])
        markers_args += '&markers;=color:{}|{}'.format(markers['color'], lat_lng)

    # Build and return the map URL
    return ''.join([
            max_map_width_px, max_map_height_px, max_zoom),

def get_zoom_to_fit(min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, width_px, height_px):
    Return the maximum zoom that will fit the given min/max lat/lng
    coordinates in a map of the given dimensions. This is used to
    override the zoom set by Google's implicit positioning.

    Calculation translated from Javascript to Python from:
    MAX_ZOOM = 17

    def lat2rad(lat):
        sinlat = math.sin(math.radians(lat))
        radx2 = math.log((1 + sinlat) / (1 - sinlat)) / 2.0
        return max(min(radx2, math.pi), -math.pi) / 2.0

    def zoom(map_px, world_px, fraction):
        # Use int() to round down to the nearest integer
        return int(
            math.log(float(map_px) / float(world_px) / fraction)
            / math.log(2.0)

    # Determine the maximum zoom based on height and latitude
    if min_lat == max_lat:
        lat_zoom = MAX_ZOOM
        lat_fraction = (lat2rad(max_lat) - lat2rad(min_lat)) / math.pi
        lat_zoom = zoom(height_px, GOOGLE_WORLD_HEIGHT, lat_fraction)

    # Determine the maximum zoom based on width and longitude
    if min_lng == max_lng:
        lng_zoom = MAX_ZOOM
        lng_range = max_lng - min_lng
        if lng_range < 0:
            lng_range += 360.0
        lng_fraction = lng_range / 360.0
        lng_zoom = zoom(width_px, GOOGLE_WORLD_WIDTH, lng_fraction)

    return min(lat_zoom, lng_zoom, MAX_ZOOM)

Here is an example:

map_url = generate_map_url(
    min_map_width_px=240, max_map_width_px=380,
    min_map_height_px=285, max_map_height_px=325,
        {'color': 'blue',
         'lat_lng': [(34.0993, -118.8394)]},
        {'color': 'orange',
         'lat_lng': [
             (34.3997, -119.2002),
             (34.5389, -118.4499),
             (34.0983, -118.1285),
             (33.5932, -117.9455),
             (33.8322, -117.3958),
print map_url

Here is a map without the margin:;=3&visual;_refresh=true&size;=380x325&markers;=color:blue|34.0993,-118.8394&markers;=color:orange|34.3997,-119.2002|34.5389,-118.4499|34.0983,-118.1285|33.5932,-117.9455|33.8322,-117.3958

Here is the result with the margin:;=3&visual;_refresh=true&size;=380x325&zoom;=7&markers;=color:blue|34.0993,-118.8394&markers;=color:orange|34.3997,-119.2002|34.5389,-118.4499|34.0983,-118.1285|33.5932,-117.9455|33.8322,-117.3958
