SaltyCrane Blog — Notes on JavaScript and web development

Calling JavaScript from Python to de-CloudFlare scraped content

Yesterday I wrote a script to scrape my own web page because I screwed up the CSV export feature and Product needed the data. One problem was that the CloudFlare CDN obfuscated the email addresses on the page. My solutioncrazy hack: running a Node.js script to de-obfuscate the email from my Python scraping script.

Example obfuscated email stuff from CloudFlare:

<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d4b7b5a6b194a4b1a0e7e2e4fab7bbb9">
    <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="0162607364417164753237312f626e6c">[email&#160;protected]</span>
    <script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">
     /* <![CDATA[ */!function(){try{var t="currentScript"in document?document.currentScript:function(){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute("cf-hash"))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previousSibling;){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previousSibling,a=c.getAttribute("data-cfemail");if(a){for(e="",r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16),n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)i=parseInt(a.substr(n,2),16)^r,e+=String.fromCharCode(i);e=document.createTextNode(e),c.parentNode.replaceChild(e,c)}}}catch(u){}}();/* ]]> */

Using, I adapted the JavaScript from above into this Node.js script, decloudflare.js.

var e, r, n, i, a = process.argv[2];
for (e = "", r = parseInt(a.substr(0, 2), 16), n = 2; a.length - n; n += 2) i = parseInt(a.substr(n, 2), 16) ^ r, e += String.fromCharCode(i);

Example usage:

$ node decloudflare.js 0162607364417164753237312f626e6c
[email protected]

I used the Naked library (thanks to Sweetmeat) to call the Node.js script. (Though probably I could've just used the subprocess module.)

$ pip install Naked 
from import muterun_js

def decloudflare_email(cfemail):
    resp = muterun_js('decloudflare.js', cfemail)
    return resp.stdout.rstrip()

cfemail = '0162607364417164753237312f626e6c'
print 'cfemail from python: ' + cfemail
email = decloudflare_email(cfemail)
print 'email from python: ' + email
cfemail from python: 0162607364417164753237312f626e6c
email from python: [email protected]

Customizing Bootstrap (Sass) using Grunt

Update 2015-12-02: I updated the post to use npm instead of Bower to install Bootstrap because it eliminates an extra tool and I hear this is the preferred method.

Update 2015-02-22: My co-workers informed me that Grunt is so last year and Gulp is the new hotness. You wish this post covered Gulp, but instead it covers Grunt.

I recently converted this blog to use Twitter's Bootstrap CSS framework to make it responsive. (In particular, I wanted to read it on my phone.) I was using Blueprint CSS from 2008 so it was about time for an update. Unfortunately my design is also from 2008 but I won't update that. (Web design is hard.)

My problem was that 2014 Bootstrap's 200px gutter width didn't match my 2008 design's 2px gutter. So I wanted to customize the gutter width.

There are a few ways to customize Bootstrap. One option is creating a custom version on Bootstrap's website and downloading it for use on your site. However this doesn't allow you to change things quickly as you develop. Another option is overriding Bootstrap's style in your site stylesheet. However, it's hacky to write compilcated selectors to override something in multiple places when it is set in a single variable in Bootstrap. For example, to change the gutter width, here is the single variable that needs to be changed.


Here is the approach I took to customize Bootstrap. I'm running Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn 64-bit.

  • Install the Sass version of Bootstrap using npm. The standard Bootstrap project uses Less but my limited knowledge of frontend technology tells me Sass (specifically SCSS) is a better choice. I previously used Bower to install Bootstrap, but I learned that npm can now be used instead of Bower in most cases.
  • Override Bootstrap's Sass variables, remove unneeded components, and combine Bootstrap with my site's stylesheet using Sass @imports.
  • Compile the Sass SCSS files to CSS using Grunt and grunt-contrib-sass.
  • Commit the compiled Sass files to git. An alternative is to compile the files as part of the deploy process. At work, it is a pain keeping these files in git because there are many merge conflicts and differences in build tool versions and platforms between developers. For my blog, I am the only committer so I won't run into this.

Project directory structure

Here is what my project directory structure looks like:

├── Gruntfile.js
├── node_modules
│   ├── bootstrap-sass
│   ├── grunt
│   ├── grunt-contrib-sass
│   └── grunt-contrib-watch
├── package.json
├── sass
│   ├── _bootstrap-variables-override.scss
│   ├── _bootstrap.scss
│   └── mystyle.scss
└── static
    └── css
        └── mystyle.css

Install Sass

Sass is installed using RubyGems, the Ruby package manager.

$ sudo apt-get install ruby 
$ sudo gem install sass 
$ sass --version 
Sass 3.4.13 (Selective Steve)

Install grunt-cli

Grunt depends on npm, the Node.js package manager.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js 
$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs 
$ npm --version
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli 
$ grunt --version 
grunt-cli v0.1.13

Install bootstrap-sass with npm

bootstrap-sass is the official Sass port of Bootstrap. I created this package.json file, /tmp/my-project/package.json. For more information about the package.json file, see the npm documentation.

  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap-sass": "3.3.1"

Then I ran npm install to download the files. The packages are stored in the node_modules directory.

$ cd /tmp/my-project 
$ npm install 

Customize Boostrap

To customize Boostrap, I copied the node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/boostrap.scss file to my sass directory, removed the components that I didn't need, and added a line for my custom variable overrides. Here is my final file, named /tmp/my-project/sass/_bootstrap.scss:

// Variable overrides come first (without !default). Bootstrap default variables
// come second because they use !default (they won't get set if set already) and
// some of them depend on our overrides.
@import "bootstrap-variables-override";

// Core variables and mixins
@import "bootstrap/variables";
@import "bootstrap/mixins";

// Reset and dependencies
@import "bootstrap/normalize";
@import "bootstrap/print";
@import "bootstrap/glyphicons";

// Core CSS
@import "bootstrap/scaffolding";
@import "bootstrap/type";
@import "bootstrap/code";
@import "bootstrap/grid";
@import "bootstrap/tables";
@import "bootstrap/forms";
@import "bootstrap/buttons";

// // I am not using these components so I commented them out to make the CSS file smaller
// // Components
// @import "bootstrap/component-animations";
// @import "bootstrap/dropdowns";
// @import "bootstrap/button-groups";
// @import "bootstrap/input-groups";
// @import "bootstrap/navs";
// @import "bootstrap/navbar";
// @import "bootstrap/breadcrumbs";
// @import "bootstrap/pagination";
// @import "bootstrap/pager";
// @import "bootstrap/labels";
// @import "bootstrap/badges";
// @import "bootstrap/jumbotron";
// @import "bootstrap/thumbnails";
// @import "bootstrap/alerts";
// @import "bootstrap/progress-bars";
// @import "bootstrap/media";
// @import "bootstrap/list-group";
// @import "bootstrap/panels";
// @import "bootstrap/responsive-embed";
// @import "bootstrap/wells";
// @import "bootstrap/close";

// // Components w/ JavaScript
// @import "bootstrap/modals";
// @import "bootstrap/tooltip";
// @import "bootstrap/popovers";
// @import "bootstrap/carousel";

// Utility classes
@import "bootstrap/utilities";
@import "bootstrap/responsive-utilities";

The Boostrap variables are located in node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss I copied the ones that I was interested in into a _bootstrap-variables-override.scss file. Be sure to remove the !default flag and import this file before the default bootstrap variables. For more information about !default, see the Sass documentation. Here is my /tmp/my-project/sass/_bootstrap-variables-override.scss file:

// overrides here (do not use !default here)
$grid-gutter-width: 10px;
$font-size-base: 16px;
$headings-font-weight: 800;

In my site stylesheet, I import _bootstrap.scss. Here is my /tmp/my-project/sass/mystyle.scss file:

@import "bootstrap";
/* add site style here */

Install grunt plugins

To compile the Sass files to CSS, I am using grunt-contrib-sass. I added a devDependencies section to my package.json file which contains grunt and two grunt plugins. Here is my /tmp/my-project/package.json. For more information about installing plugins, see the Grunt documentation.

  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "bootstrap-sass": "3.3.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "grunt": "0.4.5",
    "grunt-contrib-sass": "0.8.1",
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "0.6.1"

I ran npm install again to install grunt, grunt-contrib-sass, and grunt-contrib-watch.

$ cd /tmp/my-project 
$ npm install 

Create Gruntfile.js

My Gruntfile.js uses the grunt-contrib-sass plugin to compile the Sass to CSS. My input file is sass/mystyle.scss and my output file is static/css/mystyle.css. I set the loadPath so that Sass can find the Bootstrap SCSS files in the node_modules directory to import. Alternatively, I could specify the full path to import in /tmp/my-project/sass/_bootstrap.scss. For example: @import "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables"; I am also using the grunt-contrib-watch plugin during development to automatically run the compilation whenever a SCSS file changes. For more information on configuring tasks, see the Grunt documentation. Here is my Gruntfile, /tmp/my-project/Gruntfile.js:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        sass: {
            // this is the "dev" Sass config used with "grunt watch" command
            dev: {
                options: {
                    style: 'expanded',
                    // tell Sass to look in the Bootstrap stylesheets directory when compiling
                    loadPath: 'node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets'
                files: {
                    // the first path is the output and the second is the input
                    'static/css/mystyle.css': 'sass/mystyle.scss'
            // this is the "production" Sass config used with the "grunt buildcss" command
            dist: {
                options: {
                    style: 'compressed',
                    loadPath: 'node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets'
                files: {
                    'static/css/mystyle.css': 'sass/mystyle.scss'
        // configure the "grunt watch" task
        watch: {
            sass: {
                files: 'sass/*.scss',
                tasks: ['sass:dev']
    // "grunt buildcss" is the same as running "grunt sass:dist".
    // if I had other tasks, I could add them to this array.
    grunt.registerTask('buildcss', ['sass:dist']);

Run grunt

To compile the Sass to CSS for production, I run grunt buildcss. This creates the output CSS file /tmp/my-project/static/css/mystyle.css.

$ cd /tmp/my-project 
$ grunt buildcss 

During development, I use grunt watch to build whenever a SCSS (Sass) file changes.

$ cd /tmp/my-project 
$ grunt watch 

Other Notes

See Also / References

Ordered a Lenovo X1 Carbon for 40% off

I ordered a ~$1200 2.8 lb. 14" Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon (2014, 2nd generation, 20A7) today at 40% off for the Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale. I hope I like the keyboard. I splurged for an Intel Core i7-4600U, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, and the WQHD 2560x1440 display. I have enjoyed 7 months with my ~$200 2.8 lb. 11" Acer C720 Chromebook. It's a pleasant contrast to my work-issued 5.9 lb. 17" Lenovo Thinkpad W510. Crouton worked well for running Linux on the Chromebook but I wanted a dedicated Linux laptop and a better screen. I will bequeath the C720 to my wife since she currently uses my 7+ year old Dell Inspiron E1405. I considered the 3.5 lb. 14" Lenovo Thinkpad T440s due to better battery/keyboard/flexibility, but the X1 Carbon was ~$200 cheaper for a similarly spec'd model due to a bigger discount and I liked the thinner and lighter design and better display. Many reviews complained about the new keyboard layout and adaptive function row. I hope key remapping will reduce the pain enough. editor, Jonathan Corbet mentioned he bought an X1 Carbon in High-DPI displays and Linux, so it can't be too bad, right?

Here is the full 2014 2nd Gen ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Type 20A7, 20A8) spec sheet.

Update 2015-03-14: Lenovo released the 3rd generation of the X1 Carbon which fixes the keyboard and improves battery life. Too bad I didn't wait a few months. Here is the new 2015 3rd Gen spec sheet.

How to install grunt on Ubuntu 14.04

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner that can be used to compile Sass, run JSHint, or run many other plugins. It depends on the Node.js package manager, npm.

If you use the standard Ubuntu Trusty Tahr repository to install nodejs/npm, you will get this error when running grunt:

/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
Instead, use the chris-lea nodejs repository.

Install nodejs, npm, and grunt-cli

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js 
$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs 
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli 

Install grunt in your project directory

$ cd ~/myproject 
$ echo "{}" > package.json 
$ npm install grunt --save-dev 

Verify grunt is installed

$ nodejs --version 
$ npm --version 
$ grunt --version 
grunt-cli v0.1.13
grunt v0.4.5

Run a simple grunt task

  1. $ cd ~/myproject
  2. Create a package.json file:
      "name": "my-project-name",
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "devDependencies": {
        "grunt": "~0.4.5",
        "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.5.0"
  3. Install grunt-contrib-uglify
    $ npm install 
    npm WARN package.json [email protected] No description
    npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
    npm WARN package.json [email protected] No README data
    [email protected] node_modules/grunt-contrib-uglify
    ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
    ├── [email protected]
    ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
    └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
  4. Get an example unminified JS file:
    $ wget 
    --2014-11-22 00:47:31--
    Resolving (,
    Connecting to (||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 247351 (242K) [application/x-javascript]
    Saving to: ‘jquery-2.1.1.js’
    100%[================================================================================================================>] 247,351     --.-K/s   in 0.1s    
    2014-11-22 00:47:31 (1.71 MB/s) - ‘jquery-2.1.1.js’ saved [247351/247351]
  5. Create a Gruntfile.js file:
    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        uglify: {
          build: {
            src: 'jquery-2.1.1.js',
            dest: 'jquery-2.1.1.min.js'
      grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);
  6. Run the grunt task:
    $ grunt 
    Running "uglify:build" (uglify) task
    Done, without errors.
  7. You should now have a minified file, jquery-2.1.1.min.js
    $ ls -gG jquery* 
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 247351 2014 10/23 17:16 jquery-2.1.1.js
    -rw-rw-r-- 1  84113 2014 11/22 00:48 jquery-2.1.1.min.js


An example using Python's groupby and defaultdict to do the same task

Here is some data that I want to group by model:

    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 11202, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Manual'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 19269, 'trim_name': u'3-Door LE Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 27119, 'trim_name': u'L Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 32262, 'trim_name': u'LE'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 37976, 'trim_name': u'S Premium'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 39730, 'trim_name': u'LE 4-Cyl'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 45761, 'trim_name': u'XSE 4-Cyl'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 48412, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 55423, 'trim_name': u'XLE 4-Cyl'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 57055, 'trim_name': u'ECO Premium'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 61296, 'trim_name': u'ECO Plus'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 63660, 'trim_name': u'XSE V6'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 65570, 'trim_name': u'5-Door LE Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 67461, 'trim_name': u'XLE V6'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 73602, 'trim_name': u'S'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 74158, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Manual'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 74249, 'trim_name': u'LE Plus'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 78386, 'trim_name': u'ECO'},
    {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 82747, 'trim_name': u'SE 4-Cyl'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 83162, 'trim_name': u'LE Premium'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 84863, 'trim_name': u'S Plus Manual'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 90313, 'trim_name': u'5-Door L Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 90452, 'trim_name': u'L Manual'},
    {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 93152, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Automatic'},
    {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 94973, 'trim_name': u'S Plus CVT'},

This can be done using defaultdict from the collections module.

import collections

grouped = collections.defaultdict(list)
for item in SOME_DATA:

for model, group in grouped.items():
    print model
    pprint(group, width=150)

Here are the results:

[{'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 27065, 'trim_name': u'5-Door L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 32757, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 57344, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Manual'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 64002, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Manual'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 77974, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 92658, 'trim_name': u'3-Door LE Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 98769, 'trim_name': u'5-Door LE Automatic'}]

[{'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 30247, 'trim_name': u'XSE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 33809, 'trim_name': u'XSE V6'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 65637, 'trim_name': u'LE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 67329, 'trim_name': u'SE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 76269, 'trim_name': u'XLE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 87438, 'trim_name': u'XLE V6'}]

[{'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 11239, 'trim_name': u'S'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 27356, 'trim_name': u'S Plus Manual'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 44792, 'trim_name': u'L Manual'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 56252, 'trim_name': u'ECO Premium'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 78570, 'trim_name': u'S Plus CVT'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 78964, 'trim_name': u'LE Premium'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 82116, 'trim_name': u'ECO'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 85467, 'trim_name': u'S Premium'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 87099, 'trim_name': u'L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 91974, 'trim_name': u'LE Plus'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 94862, 'trim_name': u'LE'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 97625, 'trim_name': u'ECO Plus'}]

This can also be done using itertools.groupby. This method is probably better when working with large datasets because groupby returns the group as an iterator. (This is the reason I convert it to a list before printing.)

import itertools

def keyfunc(x):
    return x['model']

SOME_DATA = sorted(SOME_DATA, key=keyfunc)
for model, group in itertools.groupby(SOME_DATA, keyfunc):
    print model
    pprint(list(group), width=150)

Here are the results:

[{'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 36776, 'trim_name': u'SE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 56569, 'trim_name': u'LE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 57052, 'trim_name': u'XSE 4-Cyl'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 92360, 'trim_name': u'XLE V6'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 92756, 'trim_name': u'XSE V6'},
 {'model': u'Camry', 'some_value': 94413, 'trim_name': u'XLE 4-Cyl'}]

[{'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 13307, 'trim_name': u'L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 15726, 'trim_name': u'ECO Plus'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 25579, 'trim_name': u'S'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 31920, 'trim_name': u'ECO Premium'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 34480, 'trim_name': u'LE'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 44958, 'trim_name': u'S Plus Manual'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 49606, 'trim_name': u'LE Premium'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 59629, 'trim_name': u'LE Plus'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 74226, 'trim_name': u'S Plus CVT'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 75725, 'trim_name': u'L Manual'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 82382, 'trim_name': u'ECO'},
 {'model': u'Corolla', 'some_value': 95633, 'trim_name': u'S Premium'}]

[{'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 16789, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Manual'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 20349, 'trim_name': u'5-Door LE Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 42897, 'trim_name': u'5-Door L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 62045, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 91913, 'trim_name': u'3-Door L Automatic'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 94218, 'trim_name': u'5-Door SE Manual'},
 {'model': u'Yaris', 'some_value': 97979, 'trim_name': u'3-Door LE Automatic'}]

A bank style session timeout example using jQuery, Bootstrap, and Flask

This is an example that uses JavaScript to display a session timeout warning modal 10 minutes before session expiration. It also resets the session expiration whenever the user clicks the mouse. It uses JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap on the frontend and Python, Flask, Flask-Login, and WTForms on the backend.

  • Mouse clicks anywhere on the page ping the server at a maximum frequecy of once per minute and reset the session expiration.
  • 10 minutes before the session expiration, a warning modal is displayed with two buttons: "Log out" and "Stay Logged In".
  • If the user clicks "Stay Logged In" the session expiration is reset.
  • If the user clicks "Log out", the user is logged out.
  • If the user does nothing for 10 minutes, the user is logged out and displayed a message that the session timed out.

Here is the JavaScript (session-monitor.js):

sessionMonitor = function(options) {
    "use strict";

    var defaults = {
            // Session lifetime (milliseconds)
            sessionLifetime: 60 * 60 * 1000,
            // Amount of time before session expiration when the warning is shown (milliseconds)
            timeBeforeWarning: 10 * 60 * 1000,
            // Minimum time between pings to the server (milliseconds)
            minPingInterval: 1 * 60 * 1000,
            // Space-separated list of events passed to $(document).on() that indicate a user is active
            activityEvents: 'mouseup',
            // URL to ping the server using HTTP POST to extend the session
            pingUrl: '/ping',
            // URL used to log out when the user clicks a "Log out" button
            logoutUrl: '/logout',
            // URL used to log out when the session times out
            timeoutUrl: '/logout?timeout=1',
            ping: function() {
                // Ping the server to extend the session expiration using a POST request.
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: self.pingUrl
            logout: function() {
                // Go to the logout page.
                window.location.href = self.logoutUrl;
            onwarning: function() {
                // Below is example code to demonstrate basic functionality. Use this to warn
                // the user that the session will expire and allow the user to take action.
                // Override this method to customize the warning.
                var warningMinutes = Math.round(self.timeBeforeWarning / 60 / 1000),
                    $alert = $('<div id="jqsm-warning">Your session will expire in ' + warningMinutes + ' minutes. ' +
  '<button id="jqsm-stay-logged-in">Stay Logged In</button>' +
  '<button id="jqsm-log-out">Log Out</button>' +

                if (!$('body').children('div#jqsm-warning').length) {
                $('button#jqsm-stay-logged-in').on('click', self.extendsess)
                    .on('click', function() { $alert.hide(); });
                $('button#jqsm-log-out').on('click', self.logout);
            onbeforetimeout: function() {
                // By default this does nothing. Override this method to perform actions
                // (such as saving draft data) before the user is automatically logged out.
                // This may optionally return a jQuery Deferred object, in which case
                // ontimeout will be executed when the deferred is resolved or rejected.
            ontimeout: function() {
                // Go to the timeout page.
                window.location.href = self.timeoutUrl;
        self = {},
        // The time of the last ping to the server.
        _lastPingTime = 0;

    function extendsess() {
        // Extend the session expiration. Ping the server and reset the timers if
        // the minimum interval has passed since the last ping.
        var now = $.now(),
            timeSinceLastPing = now - _lastPingTime;

        if (timeSinceLastPing > self.minPingInterval) {
            _lastPingTime = now;

    function _resetTimers() {
        // Reset the session warning and session expiration timers.
        var warningTimeout = self.sessionLifetime - self.timeBeforeWarning;

        _warningTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(self.onwarning, warningTimeout);
        _expirationTimeoutID = window.setTimeout(_onTimeout, self.sessionLifetime);

    function _onTimeout() {
        // A wrapper that calls onbeforetimeout and ontimeout and supports asynchronous code.

    // Add default variables and methods, user specified options, and non-overridable
    // public methods to the session monitor instance.
    $.extend(self, defaults, options, {
        extendsess: extendsess
    // Set an event handler to extend the session upon user activity (e.g. mouseup).
    $(document).on(self.activityEvents, extendsess);
    // Start the timers and ping the server to ensure they are in sync with the backend session expiration.

    return self;

Here is the important HTML:

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
      <div id="session-warning-modal" class="modal">
        <div class="modal-dialog">
          <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
              <h4 class="modal-title" id="sessWarnLabel">Your session is about to expire<a class="sectionlink" title="Section permalink" href="#sessWarnLabel"></a></h4>
            <div class="modal-body">
              Your session will expire in <span id="remaining-time"></span> minutes due to inactivity.
            <div class="modal-footer">
              <button id="log-out" class="btn btn-default" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Log Out</button>
              <button id="stay-logged-in" class="btn btn-warning" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Stay Logged In</button>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='session-monitor.js')}}"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
       // Configure and start the session timeout monitor
       sessMon = sessionMonitor({
         // Subtract 1 minute to ensure the backend doesn't expire the session first
         sessionLifetime: {{ PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME_MS }} - (1 * 60 * 1000),
         timeBeforeWarning: 10 * 60 * 1000,  // 10 minutes
         minPingInterval: 1 * 60 * 1000,  // 1 minute
         pingUrl: '/ping',
         logoutUrl: '/logout',
         timeoutUrl: '/logged-out?timeout=1&next=' + encodeURIComponent(
           window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash),
         // The "mouseup" event was used instead of "click" because some of the
         // inner elements on some pages have click event handlers that stop propagation.
         activityEvents: 'mouseup',
         onwarning: function() {
       $(document).ready( function() {
         // Configure the session timeout warning modal
             "backdrop": "static",
             "keyboard": false,
             "show": false
           .on("click", "#stay-logged-in", sessMon.extendsess)
           .on("click", "#log-out", sessMon.logout)
           .find("#remaining-time").text(Math.round(sessMon.timeBeforeWarning / 60 / 1000));
       window.sessMon = sessMon;

Here is the Python Flask app (

import collections
import datetime

from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, session
from flask.ext.login import (
    LoginManager, login_user, logout_user,  UserMixin, login_required)
from wtforms.fields import PasswordField, StringField
from wtforms.form import Form

UserRow = collections.namedtuple('UserRow', ['id', 'password'])
    'george': UserRow(id=1, password='george'),

# settings ###############################################################
# Set a secret key to sign the session (Flask config value)
SECRET_KEY = 'insert secret key here'

# The amount of time after which the user's session expires
# (this is a Flask setting and is also used by the JavaScript)
PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)

# init ###############################################################
app = Flask(__name__)
login_manager = LoginManager()
login_manager.login_view = '.login'

def load_user(userid):
    return User(userid)

def add_session_config():
    """Add current_app.permanent_session_lifetime converted to milliseconds
    to context. The config variable PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME is not
    used because it could be either a timedelta object or an integer
    representing seconds.
    return {
            app.permanent_session_lifetime.seconds * 1000),

# models ###############################################################
class User(UserMixin):
    def __init__(self, id): = id

# forms ###############################################################
class LoginForm(Form):
    username = StringField()
    password = PasswordField()

# views ###############################################################
@app.route("/login", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    form = LoginForm(request.form)
    message = ''

    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
        db_user = TOY_USER_DATABASE.get(
        if == db_user.password:
            user = User(
            return redirect(url_for('.home'))
            message = 'Login failed.'

    context = {
        'form': form,
        'message': message,
    return render_template('login.html', **context)

def home():
    return render_template('home.html')

def another_page():
    return render_template('another_page.html')

def logout():
    return redirect(url_for('.logged_out') + '?' + request.query_string)

def logged_out():
    timed_out = request.args.get('timeout')
    return render_template('logged_out.html', timed_out=timed_out)

@app.route("/ping", methods=['POST'])
def ping():
    session.modified = True
    return 'OK'

if __name__ == "__main__":

The full example is also on github at:

Initial ideas were taken from but, from what I could tell, it pinged the server whether the user was active or not.

The old "%" string formatting and the new string .format() method handle unicode differently

Today I learned that the old style "%" string formatting and the new string .format() method behave differently when interpolating unicode strings. I was suprised to find out that one of these lines raised an error while one did not:

'%s' % u'O\u2019Connor'

The old style "%" formatting operation returns a unicode string if one of the values is a unicode string even when the format string is a non-unicode string:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:58:35) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> '%s' % u'O\u2019Connor'

The new string .format() method called on a non-unicode string with a unicode string argument tries to encode the unicode string to a non-unicode string (bytestring) possibly raising a UnicodeEncodeError:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:58:35) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> '{}'.format(u'O\u2019Connor')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)</module></stdin>

I guess the correct thing to do is to start with a unicode format string:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:58:35) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> u'{}'.format(u'O\u2019Connor')

See also

Python logging filters do not propagate like handlers and levels do

Loggers are organized in a hierarchical fashion. A logger named '' is a child of a logger named 'foo'.

getLogger() returns a reference to a logger instance with the specified name if it is provided, or root if not. The names are period-separated hierarchical structures. Multiple calls to getLogger() with the same name will return a reference to the same logger object. Loggers that are further down in the hierarchical list are children of loggers higher up in the list. For example, given a logger with a name of foo, loggers with names of,, and foo.bam are all descendants of foo. - Loggers documentation

If the level is not set on a logger, the level of the parent is used.

Loggers have a concept of effective level. If a level is not explicitly set on a logger, the level of its parent is used instead as its effective level. If the parent has no explicit level set, its parent is examined, and so on - all ancestors are searched until an explicitly set level is found. The root logger always has an explicit level set (WARNING by default). When deciding whether to process an event, the effective level of the logger is used to determine whether the event is passed to the logger’s handlers. - Loggers documentation

import logging

foo_logger = logging.getLogger('foo')

foo_bar_logger = logging.getLogger('')

print foo_logger.getEffectiveLevel()
print foo_bar_logger.getEffectiveLevel()

Similarly, if a handler is not defined for a logger, the handler of the parent is used.

Child loggers propagate messages up to the handlers associated with their ancestor loggers. Because of this, it is unnecessary to define and configure handlers for all the loggers an application uses. It is sufficient to configure handlers for a top-level logger and create child loggers as needed. (You can, however, turn off propagation by setting the propagate attribute of a logger to False.) - Loggers documentation

import logging

myformatter = logging.Formatter("MY HANDLER: %(name)s - %(message)s")

myhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

foo_logger = logging.getLogger('foo')

foo_bar_logger = logging.getLogger('')

MY HANDLER: 40 foo - asdfasdf
MY HANDLER: 40 - zxcvzxcv

However, filters, unlike levels and handlers, do not propagate. If a filter is not defined for a logger, the filter of the parent is NOT used.

Note that filters attached to handlers are consulted before an event is emitted by the handler, whereas filters attached to loggers are consulted whenever an event is logged (using debug(), info(), etc.), before sending an event to handlers. This means that events which have been generated by descendant loggers will not be filtered by a logger’s filter setting, unless the filter has also been applied to those descendant loggers. - Filter Objects documentation

See also the logging flowchart.

import logging

class MyFilter(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, record):
        record.msg = 'MY FILTER: ' + record.msg
        return 1

myfilter = MyFilter()

myformatter = logging.Formatter("MY HANDLER: %(name)s - %(message)s")

myhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

foo_logger = logging.getLogger('foo')

foo_bar_logger = logging.getLogger('')

MY HANDLER: foo - MY FILTER: asdfasdf
MY HANDLER: - zxcvzxcv

I guess I'll attach it to the handler instead...

import logging

class MyFilter(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, record):
        record.msg = 'MY FILTER: ' + record.msg
        return 1

myfilter = MyFilter()

myformatter = logging.Formatter("MY HANDLER: %(name)s - %(message)s")

myhandler = logging.StreamHandler()

foo_logger = logging.getLogger('foo')

foo_bar_logger = logging.getLogger('')

MY HANDLER: foo - MY FILTER: asdfasdf

Subdomain-based configuration for a Flask local development server

This example shows how to set up a Flask local development server to use a different configuration based on the subdomain of the request. The project I work on has several environments (dev, qa, staging, etc). Each environment has different database and API hostnames. I use this to switch between database and API environments quickly while using my local development server.

This assumes a create_app function is used to create the Flask application instance as described in the Application Factories Flask documentation.


Modify the create_app function to take a configobj argument and use it to override the default configuration.

def create_app(configobj=None):
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Default configuration

    # Override configuration using config passed into create_app
    if configobj:

    return app


The SubdomainDispatcher is taken from the Application Dispatching Flask documentation. It is WSGI middleware that looks at the subdomain of the request and returns a different application instance for each subdomain. It calls the create_app function above and passes it the appropriate configuration object for the subdomain.

class SubdomainDispatcher(object):

    def __init__(self, create_app, domain=''):
        :param create_app: a function that returns a `flask.Flask` instance
        :param domain: str - used to determine the subdomain
        self.create_app = create_app
        self.domain = domain
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.instances = {}

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        app = self._get_application(environ['HTTP_HOST'])
        return app(environ, start_response)

    def _get_application(self, host):
        host = host.split(':')[0]
        assert host.endswith(self.domain), 'Configuration error'
        subdomain = host[:-len(self.domain)].rstrip('.')
        with self.lock:
            app = self.instances.get(subdomain)
            if app is None:
                configobj = self._get_subdomain_based_config(subdomain)
                app = self.create_app(configobj=configobj)
                self.instances[subdomain] = app
            return app

    def _get_subdomain_based_config(subdomain):

        class Config(object):
        config = Config()

        if subdomain == 'dev':
            config.API_HOST = 'dev-host'
            config.DB_SERVER = 'dev-db-server'
        elif subdomain == 'qa':
            config.API_HOST = 'qa-host'
            config.DB_SERVER = 'qa-db-server'

        return config


rundevserver is similar to but uses the SubdomainDispatcher middleware before calling werkzeug.serving.run_simple.

def rundevserver(host=None, port=None, domain='', debug=True, **options):
    Modified from ``

    Runs the application on a local development server.

    :param host: the hostname to listen on. Set this to ``''`` to
                 have the server available externally as well. Defaults to
    :param port: the port of the webserver. Defaults to ``5000``
    :param domain: used to determine the subdomain
    :param debug: if given, enable or disable debug mode.
                  See :attr:`debug`.
    :param options: the options to be forwarded to the underlying
                    Werkzeug server. See
                    :func:`werkzeug.serving.run_simple` for more
    from werkzeug.serving import run_simple

    if host is None:
        host = ''
    if port is None:
        port = 5000
    options.setdefault('use_reloader', debug)
    options.setdefault('use_debugger', debug)

    app = SubdomainDispatcher(create_app, domain, debug=debug)

    run_simple(host, port, app, **options)


  1. Add the following to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Ubuntu): dev.localhost qa.localhost
  2. Run the local dev server:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        rundevserver(host='', port=5000, domain='localhost')
  3. Use the following URLs to get different app configurations:

Github code

A full working example is located on github: flask-subdomain-dispatcher-example An updated version of the code is here: flask-subdomaindevserver.

How to add a margin around markers in the Google Static Maps API using Python

This example shows how to use Python to generate a Google Static Map URL for a map that contains markers within some dimensions which are smaller than the map image dimensions. This effectively allows for setting minimum X and Y margins around the markers in a map. This is useful for a "fluid" web design where a maximum map size is requested from Google and is then cut off at the edges for small browser windows.

The bulk of this solution is based on the Javascript code here:

import math

def generate_map_url(
    Return a Google Static Map URL for a map that contains markers within
    some dimensions which are smaller than the map image dimensions. This
    effectively allows for setting minimum X and Y margins around the markers
    in a map. This is useful for a "fluid" web design where a maximum map
    size is requested from Google and is then cut off at the edges for
    small browser windows.
    # Determine the maximum zoom to contain markers at the minimum map size
    lat_list = [
        lat for markers in marker_groups for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']]
    lng_list = [
        lng for markers in marker_groups for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']]
    max_zoom = get_zoom_to_fit(
        min(lat_list), max(lat_list), min(lng_list), max(lng_list),
        min_map_width_px, min_map_height_px,

    # Build the markers query string arguments
    markers_args = ''
    for markers in marker_groups:
        lat_lng = '|'.join([
            '{},{}'.format(lat, lng) for lat, lng in markers['lat_lng']])
        markers_args += '&markers;=color:{}|{}'.format(markers['color'], lat_lng)

    # Build and return the map URL
    return ''.join([
            max_map_width_px, max_map_height_px, max_zoom),

def get_zoom_to_fit(min_lat, max_lat, min_lng, max_lng, width_px, height_px):
    Return the maximum zoom that will fit the given min/max lat/lng
    coordinates in a map of the given dimensions. This is used to
    override the zoom set by Google's implicit positioning.

    Calculation translated from Javascript to Python from:
    MAX_ZOOM = 17

    def lat2rad(lat):
        sinlat = math.sin(math.radians(lat))
        radx2 = math.log((1 + sinlat) / (1 - sinlat)) / 2.0
        return max(min(radx2, math.pi), -math.pi) / 2.0

    def zoom(map_px, world_px, fraction):
        # Use int() to round down to the nearest integer
        return int(
            math.log(float(map_px) / float(world_px) / fraction)
            / math.log(2.0)

    # Determine the maximum zoom based on height and latitude
    if min_lat == max_lat:
        lat_zoom = MAX_ZOOM
        lat_fraction = (lat2rad(max_lat) - lat2rad(min_lat)) / math.pi
        lat_zoom = zoom(height_px, GOOGLE_WORLD_HEIGHT, lat_fraction)

    # Determine the maximum zoom based on width and longitude
    if min_lng == max_lng:
        lng_zoom = MAX_ZOOM
        lng_range = max_lng - min_lng
        if lng_range < 0:
            lng_range += 360.0
        lng_fraction = lng_range / 360.0
        lng_zoom = zoom(width_px, GOOGLE_WORLD_WIDTH, lng_fraction)

    return min(lat_zoom, lng_zoom, MAX_ZOOM)

Here is an example:

map_url = generate_map_url(
    min_map_width_px=240, max_map_width_px=380,
    min_map_height_px=285, max_map_height_px=325,
        {'color': 'blue',
         'lat_lng': [(34.0993, -118.8394)]},
        {'color': 'orange',
         'lat_lng': [
             (34.3997, -119.2002),
             (34.5389, -118.4499),
             (34.0983, -118.1285),
             (33.5932, -117.9455),
             (33.8322, -117.3958),
print map_url

Here is a map without the margin:;=3&visual;_refresh=true&size;=380x325&markers;=color:blue|34.0993,-118.8394&markers;=color:orange|34.3997,-119.2002|34.5389,-118.4499|34.0983,-118.1285|33.5932,-117.9455|33.8322,-117.3958

Here is the result with the margin:;=3&visual;_refresh=true&size;=380x325&zoom;=7&markers;=color:blue|34.0993,-118.8394&markers;=color:orange|34.3997,-119.2002|34.5389,-118.4499|34.0983,-118.1285|33.5932,-117.9455|33.8322,-117.3958