TypeScript recoil cheat sheet
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. This is a list of TypeScript types for recoil generated from the declaration files in https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil/tree/0.2.0.
See also my TypeScript React cheat sheet and TypeScript cheat sheet.
External Links
- Built-ins
- ES5, ES2015-ES2020, ESNext
- Node.js
- Script Host
- Web Worker
- axios
- date-fns
- expo
- immer
- next
- react
- react-apollo
- react-beautiful-dnd
- react-dnd
- react-dom
- react-dom/server
- react-dom/test-utils
- react-native
- react-navigation
- react-redux
- react-relay
- react-router-dom
- react-select
- react-spring
- react-window
- reactstrap
- redux
- relay-runtime
- styled-components
- atom<T> (function)
- AtomEffect<T> (type)
- atomFamily<T, P extends SerializableParam> (function)
- AtomFamilyOptions<T, P extends SerializableParam> (interface)
- AtomOptions<T> (interface)
- CallbackInterface (type)
- constSelector<T extends SerializableParam> (function)
- DefaultValue (class)
- errorSelector (function)
- GetRecoilValue (type)
- isRecoilValue (function)
- Loadable<T> (type)
- LoadablePromiseValue_OPAQUE (var)
- MutableSnapshot (class)
- noWait<T> (function)
- readOnlySelector<T> (function)
- ReadOnlySelectorFamilyOptions<T, P extends SerializableParam> (interface)
- ReadOnlySelectorOptions<T> (interface)
- ReadWriteSelectorFamilyOptions<T, P extends SerializableParam> (interface)
- ReadWriteSelectorOptions<T> (interface)
- RecoilBridge (var)
- RecoilRoot (var)
- RecoilRootProps (interface)
- RecoilState (class)
- RecoilValue<T> (type)
- RecoilValueReadOnly (class)
- ResetRecoilState (type)
- Resetter (type)
- selector<T> (function)
- selector<T> (function)
- selectorFamily<T, P extends SerializableParam> (function)
- selectorFamily<T, P extends SerializableParam> (function)
- SerializableParam (type)
- SetRecoilState (type)
- SetterOrUpdater<T> (type)
- Snapshot (class)
- snapshot_UNSTABLE (function)
- SnapshotID (interface)
- SnapshotID_OPAQUE (var)
- UnwrapRecoilValue<T> (type)
- UnwrapRecoilValueLoadables<T> (type)
- UnwrapRecoilValues<T> (type)
- useGetRecoilValueInfo_UNSTABLE<T> (function)
- useGotoRecoilSnapshot (function)
- useRecoilBridgeAcrossReactRoots_UNSTABLE (function)
- useRecoilCallback<Args extends ReadonlyArray, Return> (function)
- useRecoilSnapshot (function)
- useRecoilState<T> (function)
- useRecoilStateLoadable<T> (function)
- useRecoilTransactionObserver_UNSTABLE (function)
- useRecoilValue<T> (function)
- useRecoilValueLoadable<T> (function)
- useResetRecoilState (function)
- useSetRecoilState<T> (function)
- waitForAll<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForAll<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForAllSettled<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForAllSettled<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForAny<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForAny<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForNone<RecoilValues> (function)
- waitForNone<RecoilValues> (function)